Artsandartists’s blog

Blog about art and artists

What is Art?

We tend to look for simple, no more than one line long definition of art, but this in most cases produce rather disappointing results. It seems elusiveness is on major attributes of the art which can be quite paradoxical.

On one hand it ‘works’ only as media. This means it transfers thoughts, emotions, expressions of the artist to the audience. If nobody, with exemption of the artist, sees, hears, feels it, is it still art?

On the other hand it is very personal. There should be no two persons (artist is included) in the whole Universe sharing exactly the same experience with the same piece of art.

On one hand, thanks to its already mentioned uniqueness, art is always priceless. Art is not made for money. When money is involved, we always move from A to B, from Art to Business, from uncompromising to optimal, from idealistic to profitable.

On the other hand artist have to eat too. Definition of value in art can be tricky but if you intend to spend 250 million dollars for Cezanne’s painting, you should know what you are doing.


At least until they make enough material to be sold when they die. Because dead artist’s works are in most cases much more expensive than works of the same artist while he was still alive.

Talking about death – art is one of the most popular ways to achieve immortality.

So forget the definitions and enjoy art which is old as humanity but only in recent centuries separated from science or craft or skill.

This blog will talk about art and artists. It will provide some fascinating facts and hopefully provoking thoughts. I guess this is art too:)